Facing South Odds & Ends

Greetings Facing South readers, especially new readers coming in from DKos, CounterPunch, Cursor and elsewhere. We're glad to have you here at the blog of the Institute for Southern Studies, a progressive research, education and action center.

A few odds and ends for our fans, old and new:

Facing South (The Newsletter): We've had some technical headaches with our listmailer program for the Facing South newsletter. Hope to get it sorted out soon. (If anyone knows of some great open source listmailer software, let us know!)

BlogAds: Yep, we're selling out and hosting ads. So if you want to reach thousands of progressive Southerners and South-watchers about your event/book/product/etc., look for the ad space that will be opening up here soon.

Calling Southern Bloggers: As part of our efforts to build progressive community in the South, we're making a first stab at generating a list of Southerners in the progressive blogosphere. So if you're based in a Southern state or have other solid Southern credentials (please explain!), send us a link and 1-2 sentences describing your blog.

Keep your eyes on the prize.