"Talk to Cindy" Campaign

You've probably heard about Cindy Sheehan, mother of Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq, is camping out next to George Bush's "ranch" demanding some one-on-one time. Retired Special Forces Sgt. Stan Goff is calling for a nation-wide campaign: George Bush is on vacation. Cindy Sheehan is on his case. Cindy is the mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, KIA at Sadr City on April 4, 2004, and a co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace. Cindy is at the gates of Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas to demand that he explain to her –face to face– why Casey had to die. Bush is refusing to come out. Cindy says she's staying until Bush talks to her or leaves Texas. We can help Cindy Sheehan turn the heat up on Bush. 1-Email the White House. Send a simple three-word message, “Talk to Cindy!” 2-Call the White House comment line (202) 456-1111, and/or send a postcard to George Bush, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 with the same three words. 3-Spread the word! Send this appeal to your friends, to email lists, to blogs. Post it on websites. Let's swamp the White House with our simple three word demand: TALK TO CINDY! UPDATE: Over at DKos there are more ways to support Cindy.