Katherine Harris Watch
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Katherine Harris:
Gov. Jeb Bush said Monday that U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris has dropped so low in public opinion polls she cannot beat Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson in November.
"I just don't think she can win," Bush said at the Capitol in his strongest statement yet about his fellow Republican's struggling campaign.
The governor has made no secret that he hopes House Speaker Allan Bense will challenge Harris for the Republican nomination.
"With all due respect to the governor ... we know we can win," Harris told reporters Monday after filing her qualifying papers.
Harris has been dogged by staff turnover and her acceptance of $32,000 in illegal campaign contributions from defense contractor Mitchell Wade, who pleaded guilty to bribing former U.S. Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif.
Bush also noted that polls show Harris running about 30 points behind Nelson.
Maybe she can get Dubya to come down and campaign for her. After all, he owes her big time for FL2000.