Election 08: Presidential debate big in NC and other swing states

Who watched yesterday's presidential debate held in Mississippi? According to Nielson TV ratings, lots of people in battleground states like Colorado, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia.

Another interesting finding: Half of the 10 biggest markets for the debate were in the South.

Here are Nielson's ratings for cities where the most people watched the event:

1. St. Louis -- 52.1%, 649,000 households
2. Memphis -- 49.5%, 330,000 households
3. Baltimore -- 47.1%, 515,000 households
4. Washington, DC -- 44.6%, 1,030,000 households
5. Nashville -- 44%, 424,000 households
6. Greensboro-H.Point-W.Salem -- 42.2%, 285,000 households
7. Columbus, OH -- 41.5%, 377,000 households
8. Norfolk-Portsmth-Newpt News -- 41.4%, 298,000 households
9. Richmond-Petersburg -- 40.3%, 211,000 households
10. Denver -- 39.7%, 586,000 households

The numbers in Greensboro, North Carolina were likely boosted in anticipation of Sen. Obama and Sen. Biden's visit to the area for a rally today, which drew a crowd of 20,000 people and cemented NC's status as a key swing state.