INSTITUTE INDEX: The private contractors involved in CIA torture

A so-called "ghost plane" near Aero Contractors headquarters in Johnston County, North Carolina in July 2007. The plane, which had its flight tracking blocked, is believed to be among those the CIA contractor used to transport detainees to overseas torture sites. (Photo by North Carolina Stop Torture Now.)
According to the 500-page summary of a Senate Intelligence Committee report released this week, amount the U.S. government paid one private contractor to help the CIA develop the so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" the agency used on alleged terror suspects: $81 million
Amount of "specialized knowledge of al Qaeda, a background in counterterrorism or any relevant cultural or linguistic experience" had by the contractor, Washington-based psychology firm Mitchell, Jessen & Associates: none
Amount in daily tax-free retainers the firm's two principals, Air Force veterans who previously taught special operations forces how to endure torture, were initially paid under the contract: $1,000
Year by which the CIA had turned over all its enhanced interrogation work to the firm: 2005
Number of "enhanced techniques" on the list initially developed by the firm: 20
Number to which the list was eventually pared down out of concern that some of the proposed techniques were too harsh even for terrorists, including a "mock burial" in which a detainee would be led to believe he being interred alive: 10
Of the 119 known detainees, number held in violation of the U.S. government's own detention standard adopted in the aftermath of 9/11: 26
Hours of standing sleep deprivation and ice water baths one wrongfully detained man endured before the CIA discovered its mistake and released him: 66
Amount in compensation the U.S. government has paid to date to the people it wrongfully detained: $0
Amount paid out as part of an indemnification agreement the CIA had with the company and its employees to cover legal expenses: $1.1 million
Number of detainees mentioned in the report summary who were secretly transported to overseas CIA torture sites by Aero Contractors, a private aviation company based in Kinston and Smithfield, North Carolina: 16
Total number of detainees believed to have been transported by Aero Contractors based on investigations by academics and human rights groups: 34
Number of times "North Carolina" is mentioned in the Senate report's summary: 0
Number of North Carolinians who have called for an inquiry into their state's role in torture: over 1,200
Date on which top U.N. officials called for senior U.S. officials and CIA agents who authorized or carried out torture to be prosecuted: 12/10/2014
Number of hearings U.S. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), who will become chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee next month, said he planned to hold on the report, which he called a "blatant attempt to smear the Bush administration": 0
Including Burr, number of Republican members of the committee who signed a minority response saying that the official report was wrong and that torture was in fact effective: 6
Month in which Burr told reporters that he doesn't "believe that anything that goes on in the intelligence committee should ever be discussed publicly" and that if he had his way "with the exception of nominees, there would never be a public intelligence hearing": 3/2014
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.