INSTITUTE INDEX: The overwhelming consensus against Citizens United

The overwhelming majority of Americans across the political spectrum say it's time to make fundamental changes to the campaign finance system following the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision unleashing unprecedented sums of money into U.S. politics. (Photo by takomabibelot via Flickr.)
Year in which the U.S. Supreme Court in the Citizens United decision struck down restrictions on political spending, including secret spending by outside groups unaffiliated with campaigns or parties: 2010
Since the decision, amount in unlimited contributions that's poured into federal elections: $1.5 billion
Of that total, amount for which no donors have been disclosed: $500 million
According to an in-depth survey conducted last year, percent of Americans who say the system for funding political campaigns needs to be fundamentally changed or completely rebuilt: 85
Percent of Democrats who say that: 84
Percent of Republicans who agree: 81
Number of Americans who've signed petitions to date supporting a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United: more than 5 million
Number of states that have called for such an amendment, with West Virginia so far the only one in the South: 16
Number of local governments that have endorsed the amendment: 681
Of those local governments that want to overturn Citizens United, number in the South: 43
Year in which a majority of the U.S. Senate voted in support of such an amendment: 2014
Date on which that amendment was re-introduced in the 114th Congress: 4/28/2015
Date on which Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina became the first Republican to sign on to the amendment: 11/5/2015
Date on which Ron Fein, legal director of the campaign-finance watchdog group Free Speech for People, announced that given the successes of the reform movement it was time to move from defense to offense with litigation: 1/21/2016
Date on which a mass march calling for an immediate end to big-money corruption in politics will kick off at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and head to Washington, D.C. as part of a campaign called Democracy Spring: 4/2/2016
Number of people who've already pledged to risk arrest at the U.S. Capitol as part of that campaign: 1,500
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.