UPDATE: Deadline extended for the 2022 Julian Bond Fellowship

The fellowship is named in honor of Julian Bond, a civil rights veteran and co-founder of the Institute for Southern Studies. Bond served as media director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the early 1960s, and later as a member of the Georgia General Assembly, national chairman of the NAACP, and history professor at the University of Virginia. (Public domain photo of Bond speaking in 1984 from the State Library and Archives of Florida.)
Are you an early-career journalist or researcher who cares about justice and democracy in the South?
The Institute for Southern Studies, publisher of Facing South, is now accepting applications for the Julian Bond Fellowship program.
Named in honor of the civil rights legend and founder of the Institute, the Fellowship aims to promote new voices in Southern media and support public interest journalists and researchers in the South.
Now entering its third year, the Fellowship is a nine-month, full-time position. Fellows will be provided a $5,000 monthly stipend, and additional resources for training, conferences, and research expenses. Given the coronavirus epidemic, the Institute will entertain applications from prospective fellows who seek to conduct their fellowship remotely or while based at the Institute's offices in Durham, North Carolina.
The Fellowship is aimed at early-career journalists and researchers interested in helping change the public debate about issues of justice and democracy in the South. Journalists and researchers of color are strongly encouraged to apply, as are others who believe their presence would contribute substantially to diversifying the media and research landscape in the South. Candidates must have at least two to three years of experience writing and/or producing research reports for a public audience, and a demonstrated commitment to promoting justice, equality, and democracy.
The application deadline has been extended to Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 5p.m. ET. is Monday, Sept. 20, 2021. Visit here for more information or to submit an application. Questions? Email us at julianbondfellowship@southernstudies.org. No phone calls, please.
Chris Kromm
Chris Kromm is executive director of the Institute for Southern Studies and publisher of the Institute's online magazine, Facing South.