INSTITUTE INDEX: The government program that's equipping police like an occupying military force

Year in which Congress initially authorized the Defense Department to give excess arms and ammunition to law enforcement agencies for counter-drug activities, leading to the creation of what's come to be known as the 1033 program: 1990
Number of law enforcement agencies the program has given equipment to: more than 17,000
Percent of U.S. states with agencies participating in the program: 100
Value of military equipment the program has transferred to police departments to date: $4.3 billion
Value of military equipment the program transferred to police departments last year alone: nearly $500 million
Estimated number of law enforcement agencies that have gotten military vehicles built for use in Iraq and Afghanistan to withstand armor-piercing roadside bombs: 500
Length in pages of the paperwork a law enforcement agency is required to fill out in order to get such a vehicle: 1
Minimum number of military rifles and pistols received by law enforcement agencies in St. Louis County, Missouri, where shocking scenes of police violence unfolded this week following the shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown: 18
Number of military vehicles obtained by Ferguson (pop. 21,203) in the most recent equipment transfer through the program: 2
Number of police agencies in the state of Georgia alone that are participating in the 1033 program: about 600
According to an inventory by the Georgia Department of Public Safety, value of surplus military equipment and weapons now in the hands of the state's law enforcement agencies: $200 million
Number of military-style rifles the police in Cartersville, Georgia (pop. 19,731) have acquired through the 1033 program: 17
Number of arrests police in North Carolina have reportedly made using vehicles obtained through the 1033 program: more than 3,000
Month in which the firearms manager for North Carolina's 1033 program pleaded guilty to stealing military rifles and other weapons from the program and selling some on eBay: 4/2013
Year in which the police department in Columbia, South Carolina got a military vehicle through the program that can be outfitted with a 50-caliber machine gun: 2013
Value of gear obtained through the program by the police department in Oxford, Alabama (pop. 21,384): $10.4 million
Value of property the police chief in Rising Star, Texas (pop. 835) obtained through the program over a 14-month period before he was fired last year for an unrelated matter: $3.2 million
Frequency in years that the Defense Department is supposed to conduct compliance reviews of each state's program: 2
Number of years that Mississippi's program went without a compliance review: 6
Month in which the U.S. House of Representatives voted on an amendment from Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida) that would have partially defunded the 1033 program: 6/2014
Bipartisan vote by which Grayson's amendment failed: 62-355
Percent more that the representatives who voted to continue funding the program received from the defense industry on average than the lawmakers who voted to defund it: 73
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.