INSTITUTE INDEX: Countering the cruel politics of anti-transgender bills

At this 2017 protest in Washington, D.C., people decried the Trump administration's revocation of federal guidance that directed schools to allow trans students to use restrooms aligning with their gender identity, which President Biden reinstated on his first day in office. But policy attacks on trans youth have continued since then at the state level, with Republican leaders in Texas now seeking to criminalize families that provide trans children with gender confirming medical care. (Photo by Ted Eytan via Flickr.)
Portion of K-12 students publicly open about their transgender status who experience verbal harassment: more than 1/2
Portion who experience physical attacks: 1 in 4
Portion who are sexually assaulted: more than 1 in 10
As a result of such traumatic experiences, percent of trans individuals of all ages who report experiencing severe psychological distress: 39
Factor by which that exceeds such distress reported in the general U.S. population: almost 8
In a survey conducted in 2020 by the Trevor Project, an organization that supports transgender and nonbinary youth, portion of those youth who reported seriously considering suicide in the previous year: more than 1/2
In another survey the Trevor Project conducted last fall, percent of LGBTQ+ youth who reported that recent debates over anti-trans legislation have hurt their mental health: 85
Number of anti-trans bills introduced so far this year in state legislatures nationwide, according to the ACLU's legislation tracker: at least 98
Of those bills, number that were introduced in states in the South: at least 60
Year in which Texas' Republican-controlled legislature tried but failed to pass a bill that would have made it a felony to provide gender-affirming medical care such as puberty blockers to minors: 2021
Date on which Texas held its most recent primary election: 3/1/2022
Number of days before the primary that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) — who faced three challengers and will head to a runoff against George P. Bush in May while still under indictment for securities fraud — released a non-binding opinion rife with questionable claims and citations that said allowing minors to receive gender transition care constitutes child abuse under state law: 11
Number of days after Paxton released his opinion that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) — who faced seven challengers in the primary, which he won outright — issued a directive calling on the general public and licensed professionals to report the parents of trans minors if it appears the children are receiving gender-affirming care: 1
In response to a lawsuit filed by the ACLU and Lambda Legal, date on which a Texas judge issued a temporary order blocking the state from investigating the parents of a trans teen receiving gender confirmation treatments: 3/2/2022
Date on which that judge has scheduled a hearing on whether to issue a broader order blocking enforcement of Abbott's directive: 3/11/2022
Number of reports alleging abuse or neglect based on gender-affirming medical care that the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services received as of the first week of March: at least 3
Year in which Arkansas became the first state to pass a law banning gender-confirming treatment for trans youth, which a federal court blocked: 2021
Percent of major U.S. medical associations that support gender-affirming care for trans youth: 100
In light of anti-trans policies being promoted by Republican leaders in Texas and other states, date on which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced actions it's taking to protect LGBTQ+ youth — including issuing guidance "making clear that denials of health care based on gender identity are illegal" and laying out steps for filing a complaint with the HHS Office of Civil Rights: 3/2/2022
Estimated economic impact of moving the 2022 Gay Softball World Series, scheduled to begin in Dallas this summer, as a growing number of players are demanding: $5 million to $7 million
(Click on figure to go to source.)
Sue Sturgis
Sue is the former editorial director of Facing South and the Institute for Southern Studies.