Wendy Watriss

Southern Exposure Contributor

Wendy Watriss is a photo-journalist living in Anderson, Texas. She is currently at work on a historical and photographic study of four Texas counties. The photographs in this article are by Ms. Watriss and Fred Baldwin. (1977)

Wendy Watriss is a photo-journalist living in Anderson, Texas. She is currently at work on an historical and photographic study of four Texas counties. The material for this article has been gathered during a year-long study of Grimes County. Sources include over a hundred interviews with people from all parts of the community, census manuscripts, newspapers and county records. Of particular importance has been an article by Lawrence C. Goodwyn, “Populist Dreams and Negro Rights: East Texas as a Case Study, ” American Historical Review (Dec. 1971), 1435-1456. (1977)

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Articles by Wendy Watriss